I have since the day the subscription 17/2/214:
Se ha registrado correctamente para una suscripción a subpro12_v2 mediante PayPal.
El primer pago de suscripción, por valor de $20,00 USD, ya se ha enviado a ImageShack.
Detalles de la suscripción
Fecha de registro: 17 feb 2014
Nombre de suscripción: subpro12_v2
Número de suscripción: S-0XC83388X2355512H
Número de artículo: subpro12_v2
Tipo de cambio: El tipo de cambio para esta compra es de 1 EUR = 1,32802USD
Términos de la suscripción: $20,00 USD cada 12 meses
Su suscripción se renovará automáticamente con las tasas mencionadas anteriormente a menos que la cancele antes del final del período de facturación.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o alguna preocupación acerca de esta suscripción, póngase en contacto con ImageShack.
Información de contacto
Nombre de la empresa: ImageShack
Correo electrónico de contacto: macbeth@imageshack.us
Today I found, quee can not add more images.
What happens??
Thank you very much.
David Brun
todd mcduffie
Todd McDuFFie
Transaction Details i still cant upload! why i paid!
Subscription Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 1PC00741S71078927)
See related S-0N258323LR917752N
You can see all of your recurring payments on the My preapproved payments.
Original Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Mar 28, 2014 Payment To ImageShack Completed ... -$20.00 USD
Related Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Mar 28, 2014 Charge From Credit Card CompletedYour transfer from your credit card to your PayPal account is complete.Your transfer from your credit card to your PayPal account is complete. Details $20.00 USD
Business Name:
ImageShack (The recipient of this payment is Verified)
-$20.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$20.00 USD
Mar 28, 2014
01:07:16 EDT
Funding Type:
Credit Card
Funding Source:
$20.00 USD - MasterCard Credit Card XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6341
This transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *MACBETH".
You can report a transaction problem in the Resolution Center within 45 days of this payment. Have a problem with this transaction? Click here to resolve
thomas verbanck
Same here
Bonjour thomas verbanck,
Vous vous êtes inscrit pour un abonnement à Monthly ImageShack Premium en utilisant PayPal.
Votre premier paiement d'abonnement à $2,00 USD a déjà été envoyé à ImageShack.
Détails des paiements échelonnés
Date de l'inscription : 28 mar 2014
Nom des paiements échelonnés : Monthly ImageShack Premium
Numéros des paiements échelonnés : S-76V43538320546501
Numéro d'objet : subpro1_v2
Taux de change : Le taux de change appliqué à cet achat est de 1 EUR = 1,32450USD
Conditions des paiements échelonnés : $2,00 USD chaque mois
Please fix this quick !
belfakir saad
I have the same problem. My paiement was processed and authorized by paypal for an annual subscription an I still have a trial account one month later and all is blocked.
I send several mails to the support but no one is responding. It has been a month and it's driving me crazy.
I will open a paypal puirsuit if no one resolve my problem quickly !!!
I have since the day the subscription 17/2/214:
Se ha registrado correctamente para una suscripción a subpro12_v2 mediante PayPal.
El primer pago de suscripción, por valor de $20,00 USD, ya se ha enviado a ImageShack.
Detalles de la suscripción
Fecha de registro: 17 feb 2014
Nombre de suscripción: subpro12_v2
Número de suscripción: S-0XC83388X2355512H
Número de artículo: subpro12_v2
Tipo de cambio: El tipo de cambio para esta compra es de 1 EUR = 1,32802USD
Términos de la suscripción: $20,00 USD cada 12 meses
Su suscripción se renovará automáticamente con las tasas mencionadas anteriormente a menos que la cancele antes del final del período de facturación.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o alguna preocupación acerca de esta suscripción, póngase en contacto con ImageShack.
Información de contacto
Nombre de la empresa: ImageShack
Correo electrónico de contacto: macbeth@imageshack.us
Today I found, quee can not add more images.
What happens??
Thank you very much.
David Brun
Todd McDuFFie
Transaction Details i still cant upload! why i paid!
Subscription Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 1PC00741S71078927)
See related S-0N258323LR917752N
You can see all of your recurring payments on the My preapproved payments.
Original Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Mar 28, 2014 Payment To ImageShack Completed ... -$20.00 USD
Related Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Mar 28, 2014 Charge From Credit Card CompletedYour transfer from your credit card to your PayPal account is complete.Your transfer from your credit card to your PayPal account is complete. Details $20.00 USD
Business Name:
ImageShack (The recipient of this payment is Verified)
Business Contact Information
Customer Service URL: http://www.imageshack.us
Customer Service Email:
Total amount:
-$20.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$20.00 USD
Mar 28, 2014
01:07:16 EDT
Funding Type:
Credit Card
Funding Source:
$20.00 USD - MasterCard Credit Card XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6341
This transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *MACBETH".
You can report a transaction problem in the Resolution Center within 45 days of this payment. Have a problem with this transaction? Click here to resolve
Same here
Bonjour thomas verbanck,
Vous vous êtes inscrit pour un abonnement à Monthly ImageShack Premium en utilisant PayPal.
Votre premier paiement d'abonnement à $2,00 USD a déjà été envoyé à ImageShack.
Détails des paiements échelonnés
Date de l'inscription : 28 mar 2014
Nom des paiements échelonnés : Monthly ImageShack Premium
Numéros des paiements échelonnés : S-76V43538320546501
Numéro d'objet : subpro1_v2
Taux de change : Le taux de change appliqué à cet achat est de 1 EUR = 1,32450USD
Conditions des paiements échelonnés : $2,00 USD chaque mois
Please fix this quick !
I have the same problem. My paiement was processed and authorized by paypal for an annual subscription an I still have a trial account one month later and all is blocked.
I send several mails to the support but no one is responding. It has been a month and it's driving me crazy.
I will open a paypal puirsuit if no one resolve my problem quickly !!!